Curve Light


Easily create, view, edit and delete templates in the Mail to Pay template manager.

Recognisability and trust through uniform communication.

Avoid uncertainty on the part of the customer. Use templates for all communication to the customer. Uniform, recognisable and familiar.

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Improve the recognisability of the organisation. All communication in the same style. Unambiguous, recognisable and familiar.


Simply add the desired content to the corresponding template. Mail to Pay does the rest.


Ensure recognisability and give your customers the trust they deserve.

Easily create your own collection strategy

Combine templates with pre-programmed collection algorithms. We call these algorithms, long series of actions, Mail to Pay Flows. Together, these flows form your collection strategy. Each template can be used in a flow and surrounded by 'if this, then that' business rules. These can be carried out in an extremely precise manner. For example, add segments to your accounts receivable portfolio, easily perform A/B tests and pre-program exceptions. You don't need any programmers, after a short training you can do it all yourself.

Just like the most innovative organisations in the Netherlands, make use of Mail to Pay.

Logo Client Engie Wit
Logo Client Nn Wit
Logo Client Mijn Domein Wit
Logo Client Vgz Wit

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